Origins of dividends, three representative types of dividends abroad

Origins of dividends, three representative types of dividends abroad

Dividend ratio is a concept related to probability, which is an indispensable factor in betting, and you can think of it as a prize of magnification by probability value. Simply put, there are fixed odds for each game, and this probability determines the return (winner) to me. There are two main types of dividends: fractional and decimal. This is again being derived from US-style dividends, Malay dividends, and Indian dividends. It is easy to understand that the fractional type of dividend is a shape in which various branches are pruning, such as being derived from Hong Kong dividends again. The dividend rate is not just determined by one figure, but there are many different types of dividend rates, so there is a rather wide range to understand. However, once you know the principle, it's not a difficult concept, so it's good to know it as a basic common sense of sports Toto batting. Among the many and many dividends, in today's posting, we would like to find out the overseas dividends that Korean batteries meet the most in reality and are very familiar to us. The types of overseas dividends can be divided into three representative types, and in most games, betting is often carried out with almost the focus on these three.


1) a european dividend

This dividend, also known as the euro dividend, is also the dividend that players are most likely to encounter on private Toto sites. It is a dividend that is easy for anyone to understand, apply quickly, and accessible. Euro dividends are dividends that include the principal invested in betting and are expressed in numbers greater than or equal to one. Dividends are often the most frequently applied dividends for individual batteries. The official alphabet abbreviation for dividends is 'E'. It's useful to know because it's the first dividend anyone experiences on a private Toto site.

2) Hong Kong dividend

The concept of excluding real number 1 from the number indicating euro dividends is Hong Kong pears. In other words, you can understand that it represents a net dividend that does not include the principal of the bet. If you subtract the number 1 from the common Euro dividend, it's a Hong Kong dividend, so you can understand and learn without difficulty. Those who are used to it sometimes make bets focusing on Hong Kong dividends rather than Euro dividends. For example, if Hong Kong dividends actually apply, if the Euro dividends are 2.000 then the Hong Kong dividends are calculated as 1.000. The abbreviation for Hong Kong dividends is marked with 'H'.

3) Malay dividend

It's somewhat unfamiliar to hear the name, but Malay dividends are also common figures. Basically, it is expressed in the same principle as Hong Kong dividends, but in Malay dividends, there is an additional concept of "negative dividends." Negative dividends are represented by a collection of decimal numbers such as '-0.900', and you can see that they are often applied in Sports Toto games. In the case of negative dividends, it is a concept that causes losses as much as negative dividends that were previously marked in the game during calculus. On the other hand, if you get hit, you get the same effect as the euro dividend, you get the 2,000 dividend. To put it simply, it is a dividend that expresses the "risk" I will take when betting on the economy. For example, in the case where the Malay dividend is actually applied, if you assume that a bet of 1 million won is made on -0.900 dividends, the following profit and loss calculation is simplified. If you hit the mark, you will receive 100% of the principal, or 1 million won, as a dividend. Including the principal, you can receive a total of 2 million won. In the case of calculus, you lose 900,000 won, which is 90% of the bet. If negative dividends are applied here, you're going to lose as much as the negative dividends shown in the calculus and you're going to get the same amount as the 2.000 dividend in the euro when you hit it.
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